You gotta have heart

Lemme tell you a story:

A week ago, Sunday night, we had some friends over for a BBQ dinner. (On our new Grill, a Broil King Sovereign 30!) As we cleaned up, I noticed a little tickle in the back of my throat. Hmmm…

Monday morning, I woke up and knew I had strep throat, a fairly common condition caused by an infection of the throat by the streptococcal bacteria. Since it’s a bacterial infection – and not viral – the treatment is straightforward: you blast it with antibiotics. Of course, doctors will tell you that strep will go away in 7 – 10 days on its own, but you’re much more comfortable during that time if the antibiotics help the process along.

So, Monday morning, I called the Doc and scheduled an appointment for 1:30 that afternoon. Next phone call was to my morning job to tell them I would be in late. No prob.

Call #3 was to the school I teach at in the afternoon to tell them that I would not be in that day and probably not for a couple of days. They weren’t happy, so I spent the morning at my office, miserably putting together a lesson plan for the substitute. Usually takes about 15 minutes… took me almost an hour, since I was so miserable.

Headache, sore muscles in the neck, back and abdomen, sore throat, fever… I was in a bad way. So, as soon as the lesson plan was emailed to the school office, I went to the Doc.

Long story short: he congratulated me on the clearest strep test the office staff had ever seen, gave me a jump-start shot of anti-biotics and a prescription for pills. I went from there to the pharmacy, picked up my meds, and went straight home to collapse into bed.

I don’t remember much of Tuesday. There was a short conversation in the morning with the school office… they found a new sub and he was fine on his own. Good. I also canceled the night-school classes I teach on Tuesday night. No biggie.

Oh. I slept a lot, too.

Wednesday was more of the same, though the meds were kicking in and I was beginning to feel almost human. By Thursday night, I felt a lot better and told Judi that, had there been school Friday (it was canceled due to a Jewish Holiday) I would have gone in to teach.


Thursday afternoon, around 3:00, I tried to take a nap and couldn’t fall asleep due to an annoying pain in my chest. It persisted and, since I was home alone and couldn’t get a hold of Judi or the Doc, I managed to get myself worked up a little bit over it. Scared, actually, and sweaty, feverish and chilled at the same time. And very frustrated. Finally, I climbed into the shower and sat under the water until the kids got home. I felt better (the pain was gone) and we had a nice dinner.

I headed up to bed around 10:30 Thursday night and was angry to discover that the chest pains had returned. I tossed and turned for about an hour then finally got up, quite angry, and told Judi. She and I agreed that I should call the Doc and he decided that, just to be safe, I should head into the ER and let someone look at me.

So, off to St. Joe’s I went. When you go into a quiet ER and tell the nurse you’re having “chest pains,” things move pretty quickly. Within five minutes, I found myself on a bed, in a gown, wired to an EKG and a blood pressure machine, watching a male RN named Kim draw my blood. Dr Jon Carter (really!) was my Doc and he took my history and saw to my needs.

Eventually, the doc gave me a pain killer and things settled down. All the evidence pointed to acid reflux, the abnormal backflow of stomach acid and juices into the esophagus, which runs in my family. We were getting ready to send me home when Dr. Carter burst into the room with the results of my blood work:

“It seems,” he said, “that you had a heart attack.”


According to this article, “during a heart attack (or myocardial infarction), damaged heart tissue releases specific proteins called cardiac enzymes. One way to diagnose or confirm a recent heart attack is to test a person’s blood for increased levels of these enzymes.” My blood was chock-full of those enzymes, so Dr. C was convinced that I had had a heart attack.

“Ludicrous,” I said. “I’m not even 30 years old. I don’t drink, smoke or do drugs and, while I could stand to lose 20 pounds or so, my cholesterol is great and I’m healthy.”

He was unconvinced; the evidence supported him. So, I was admitted and scheduled for a cardiac catheterization Friday morning.

Overnight, they pumped me full of blood-thinners, ACE inhibitors and nitro; all of the things they give to old men who have had heart attacks. It was weird. I was admitted to the Cardiac Progressive Care Unit where I lowered the average age considerably.

Needless to say, Friday’s test showed that my arteries and heart are healthy and clean. My cardiologists, Drs. M and Gl, decided to keep me around for observation. They called in the Infectious Disease specialists, Drs. Ge and F, who swabbed every hole in my body and tried to grow whatever it was that was ailing me.

Long story short: I was kept in the hospital until Monday. The diagnosis is Streptococcus Myocarditis, which is, according to this, is an “inflammation of the muscular walls of the heart (the myocardium), [resulting] from bacterial or viral infections.” In my case, the best guess is that the strep bacteria got to my heart.

Of course, Dr Ge isn’t ruling out some other, coincidental bacterial or viral infection, but the smart money is on strep. Either way, the infection weakened my heart, and caused it to swell, leading to the pain I felt while napping.

When a normal heart beats, it pumps about 60% of it’s volume (the blood inside it) out. My heart, in its weakened state, is only pumping about 40% out. So, the docs have me on blood thinners and ACE inhibitors, to make things easier for my heart. I’ll take them for several months, and see Dr M pretty regularly so he can check my heart out and dial the meds back as we go along. He says I shouldn’t expect any permanent damage, so I’m pretty lucky.

Hell of a case of strep throat, huh?


After a week of ice storms, power outages, colds and respritory viruses, we have survived.

Besides Shifra sleeping through the night, she has also mastered the art of smiling. Look for new pictures of her new trick coming soon.

I’d also like to kvel a little and say how wonderful (and cute) my hubby is. Seth has spent the entire week combining our offices into one room so we can have a room for Shifra. He even hung cabinets on the wall by himself with his new drill. Way to go, Seth!

Shifra’s check-up

Shifra had her 1 month check up. She has gained 2 pounds and grown 2 inches. I am pretty proud of us both. Yay breast feeding!

Some other interesting news:

Hillel calls his youngest sister by her full title, “Baby Shifra Tova Dimbert.” We are not sure why he does this, but it gives us a giggle every time.

I caught Shoshana feeding her baby doll with her shirt pulled up and her baby doll’s head attached to her chest. Who needs baby bottles?

I swore I wouldn’t talk about that…

…but I decided to.

Yes, I’m going to talk about politics.

In his [State of the Union](,2933,109032,00.html) tonight, President Bush said quite a few things, but one of them stuck out in my mind because I’ve been saying it myself for a while. He said:

>Some critics have said our duties in Iraq must be internationalized. This particular criticism is hard to explain to our partners in Britain, Australia, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Italy, Spain, Poland, Denmark, Hungary, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania, the Netherlands, Norway, El Salvador, and the 17 other countries that have committed troops to Iraq.

If you count along with him, that’s 35 nations (including the USA) who fought side by side in Iraq. That’s only 7 fewer than joined the original [League of Nations]( and 16 fewer than the original [United Nations](

People have been saying for a long time that the war was “unilateral.” That’s one of those words that the press uses and people pick up without understanding. That ticks me off.

Unilateral means, “done or undertaken by one person or party.” How can a group of 35 different countries do something unilaterally?

It’s just silly.

*Start thinking.*

Did you ever stop to think?

Everyone has babies, right?

Or, if not *everyone*, a lot of people do. Know what I mean? I mean, everywhere you look, there are babies. And, most of those babies have parents.

So it’s not like I’m in totally unchartered territory here… I mean, even if I was wrong and my family contained the only babies on the planet, this current baby is my third, so you gotta figure that I’ve been down this road before.

If so, how come I never noticed how unbelieviably stupid the whole Insurance game is?

You see, the HR lady at my company started bugging me to complete the forms that tell the Insurance company (I won’t name names, but it rhymes with “Boonited Pelthcare”) that Shifra was born. I say, “No problem, I will complete the form.”

But – of course – there is a problem: the form wants to know what my kid’s Social Security number is. Never mind the fact that Social Security numbers were never meant to be used as Identification tools in the first place, this is stupid all on it’s own because Shifra does not yet have a Social Security card.

Why? *Because it takes 6 blankety-blank weeks for the Social Security Turtles to type it up!* So, I’m stuck, becuase the Insurance company needs the form before the kid is 30 days old, but I can’t complete it until she’s at least 6 weeks old!

So, I call the Social Security Morons and discuss, at length, whether or not it’s possible to fast-track Shifra’s application (which we sent in the day she was born) since I like to follow the rules and I need the number for Insurance purposes. Their answer? “Absolutely not.”

So, I contact the wonderful people at Saint Luke’s Hospital, where Shifra was born, and they supply me with something called a Certification of Birth (or something similar). I give that to the HR lady and she admits that it will probably be good enough for the Insurance Morons.

Later this afternoon she tells me that she called and asked and the Insurance Idiots told her that they don’t really need the Social in the first place? Why then do they ask for it? Good question! (Of course, there is no good answer.)

And, to top it all off, what do you suppose was waiting in today’s mail when I got home tonight? Shifra’s Social Security card, processed over three weeks early!!!

It’s enough to make you crazy.

Shifra had a party!

Yesterday was Shifra’s official naming bash. We had a bunch of people get together for brunch and a good time was had by all.

My father, Judi and I all spoke – I won’t bore you with the details – suffice it to say that we explained that Shifra Tova is named after Judi’s mother and Aunt, both of blessed memory. It was a nice celebration of her birth and we got to see some out-of-town family, which is always a treat.