
The dimblog was launched on Feb 23, 2006, to celebrate the upcoming birth of our fourth child. However, we had a similar site that went live just before Shifra was born. We’re working on locating and uploading the posts from that site to this weblog.

The Scout

Hillel recently participated in the [Raingutter Regatta](http://blog.dimbert.net/photos/album/raingutter-regatta/). In case you don’t know, the RR is a Cub Scout competition. Each scout purchases an official kit and, with it, constructs a boat according to strict specifications. They decorate it, then bring it to a pack meeting where, in round-robin format, a set of races is held wherein the scouts move their boats along a raingutter full of water, using only their breath.

It’s similar to the Pinewood Derby, which we’ll be having next year.

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Today is ten full days past Judi’s due date.

Let me be clear: we’re not worried. She’s doing fine and the doctor is sure that the baby is OK. They keep checking and things are moving slowly, that’s all.

The only bad part of the experience is how people keep asking dumb questions like, “You still pregnant?” when Judi walks into a room. 🙂 We’re pretty resigned to the fact that the baby isn’t going to come out on its own, so it’s become an issue of picking a time and place for the inducement. It’s weird chosing what you kid’s birthday will be. We would rather wait for the surprise, but ten days is a long time to be living on pins and needles.

Judi’s a trooper, though. She’s been in good spirits throughout and she is still positive about the experience… despite being almost ten months pregnant. I think I’ll make her a sign to wear around her neck: “STILL PREGNANT.”

Enough is enough

Today is *motzei Shabbat*, February 26. Judi’s “due date” was last Friday, the 17th. She’s been having off-and-on contractions for the last five days or so, but none of them has been enough to push her over the edge and into labor.

There was a set of them last night, and another this afternoon, but both stopped. Tonight, sitting here watching the terrible movie The Legend of Zorro (Widescreen Special Edition), she’s had them more consistently… and they’ve been stronger.

We’re hoping that the baby might actually come tonight, but I’ve probably jinxed it by writing this.

**Update**: Yep, it’s jinxed. It’s tomorrow now, and no baby showed up last night. Ah well. We’ll keep waiting.